Extensive experience across the industrial chemicals, petrochemicals, agrochemicals, inorganics and nanomaterials sectors.
Within our diverse team of over 15 toxicologists we have all the skills and experience required to advise on almost any toxicological matter in support of the chemical industry. We also have specialists to advise on endocrine disruption, genotoxicity/carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity. We use approaches involving mechanistic toxicology to resolve complex issues. This allows us to build unique testing strategies and new approaches to fulfil dossier endpoint requirements, understanding the toxicological impact of observed findings in regulatory studies.
Understanding the data
Many substances have a long history of use and data acquisition. Understanding the historic database, and what it means is our core skill. When that is done, we can begin to assess how it may be interpreted in a societal climate where new concerns are raised on a regular basis, and the consequential business impact. From that analysis we can build programmes of work and / or strategies to ensure that best science is used to come to conclusions.
Our Toxicology Services
- Analytical validation
- Acute, Repeat Dose Toxicity, DART including EOGRTS
- Genotoxicity
- Sensitisation and irritation
- Data Gap Analysis
- Testing strategies
- Read-across strategies, justifications and weight of evidence assessments
- Robust study summary preparation
- Substance and category identity profiles – organic and inorganic chemistry expertise
- QSARs -ToxGps, OECD Toolbox, Catalogic, ChemTunes
- IUCLID expertise and support
- New approach methodologies (in vivo and in vitro)
- Human relevance/mode of action
- Endocrine assessments
Contact us today
Experience in endocrine disruption, genotoxicity/carcinogenicity testing, reproductive and developmental toxicity and more.